Valerie Smith Teases Fans about Upcoming New CD

Prescription Bluegrass Image -  L-R Aubrey Haynie (violin), Valerie Smith (Lead Vocalist), Mike Scott (Producer).According to Valerie Smith, her newest musical project has 6 tracks recorded and producer, Mike Scott is awaiting to finish her vocals and to include surprise artists and instrumentalists to join in on this project.

The CD may be a 10 song release by the time they are finished, she said. Songs have been carefully chosen and she took some time away from the road to record a project with songs that she believed in for a long time. 

"I waited to record until the tunes fit well together and would tell a story that reflect my thoughts about what I have experienced in life", Valerie said.

Music producer, Mike Scott, has been a big inspiration and he has helped to kepe her focused on what she wanted to achieve. The CD has not yet been officially "titled" that will be announced when the entire recording has been finished.

Some of the tunes are unexpected, familiar covers (recorded in a not-so-familiar-way) and a few showcase originals that have been in her library for a long time. "My biggest goal was to choose the strongest material for this musical journey," Val said.

She also offered this warning to traditional bluegrass listeners; "This will not be your everyday "bluegrass" music project, which should not be surprising to my past listeners. The sound is a representation of what is true of my style...my own thing!

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