To Cover Tune, Or Not To Cover Tune? - Guest Editorial by Missy Armstrong!


"I believe  there is a PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  MISSY ARMSTRONGway to keep the integrity of the song alive and full of life even though it wasn’t birthed in Bluegrass."




To Cover Tune,


Not To Cover Tune?

I’ll never forget the moment my fate to become part of a bluegrass band was sealed. It happened in the hallway of a hotel lobby while jamming with members of a, new to me, Michigan bluegrass band by the name of Detour.

When asked to sing one I responded with one of my all-time favorite songs, “People Get Ready”. As the song progressed I figured out that not only did these guys know this song but THEY. ROCKED. IT. It wasn’t until much later that I learned my faux pas.

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