Bad News for Phil Leadbetter!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE - PHIL LEADBETTERFans of Phil Leadbetter wasted no time in sending up prayers after Phil's posting on his social media site earlier today that his cancer has returned.

Read Phil's words :


"Just heard from my doctor on yesterday's biopsy. My Hodgkins Lymphoma has returned. I have already contacted Vanderbilt, and will be visiting there next week with my oncologist to see what options that I have to get well. This cancer has been very difficult to fight. As usual.....I have NO PLANS in giving up, and will fight this just as hard as ever. I can't take calls or texts right now because I need to focus my time on trying to beat this. I will keep you guys posted as to what all is going on. It is just a lot easier mentally for me to update you here. Continue to send up prayers for me and my family. Love to each one of you from me and my family."

Prescription Bluegrass will update this story as developments warrant. Our thoughts and prayers are for the best.


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