Job Vacancy at EBMA's European Bluegrass Blog


The following post appeared yesterday in the European Bluegrass Blog.  We're passing it along as is.


Your skills: technical handle of blogger.com (it is not too difficult, one of us will gladly help you get started), excellent English (incl. ability to use Google translate from German, French and other European languages and edit the result into proper English), knowledgeable (or willing to learn) about the bluegrass scene in Europe (and internationally), willing to do some research, and of course some free time to spend at the computer...

Your reward: Regular warm pats on the shoulder (you may choose left, right or even both!), our very personal gratitude, contacts with many great bluegrass people from all over the world and a unique insight into the world of bluegrass music worldwide...

To apply, please send your CV and some background information to: board@ebma.org. For further information please refer to the current EBB editor at editor@ebma.org. Only serious offers will be considered.
Since Richard Hawkins' official retirement as editor of the European Bluegrass Blog on 15th February 2013 (and his in official real retirement from the same work about one year later), the blog has had gaps. Yes, we admit. And no doubt, it is hard to match the standard Richard Hawkins built in nearly eight years. But with YOUR help, EBMA might be able to assure a certain continuity in letting the world know about what happens in European bluegrass!

The European Bluegrass Blog is a free service by the European Bluegrass Music Association EBMA, edited purely by volunteers (one, to be precise, at the moment). Everything that costs is covered by our paying members (so, any donations showing your appreciation of the blog will be gladly accepted, please send to PayPal: admin@ebma.org).
To have your news posted, please send a short unformatted text with preferably one photo or some links to our official blog address


Please have some patience when you're sending in news, and remember that there is no guarantee everything will be posted, until we will have a reliable team to handle the blog.
Thank you for your interest and for supporting EBMA's endeavors!
The EBMA board of directors

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