Dr. Banjo 2012 Jam Classes to Follow a Strong Start in 2011

Image634623988766906936Pete (“Dr Banjo”) Wernick's latest project, Wernick Method Jam Classes, got off to a strong start in 2011. By year’s end, the 500th student registration was received, with 38 classes completed. Emailed student evaluations for all classes showed highly positive ratings for "fun", "learning" and "worth the money" -- all Wernick Method goals.

"This year we established the method and our procedures, creating the structure as we went along," says Pete. "A lot is in place now, with classes in over 20 states, and we're ready to grow another step by involving more teachers."

The Wernick Method trains teachers to teach bluegrass jamming to pickers of all skill levels and bluegrass instruments. They learn to follow easy songs, lead songs, and play basic instrumental solos, as well as the essentials of how jamming works, the ground rules and etiquette. With only four chords required and tablature/note-reading skills not necessary, the classes are able to involve even the most inexperienced players.

"I've been fortunate with the level of teaching and administrative talent I've been able to involve in the first year," says Wernick. "My office manager, Rick Saenz, and his son Chris, run the central office in Kentucky and we now have 25 certified teachers all around the country, and two outside the U.S.”

Among the notable musicians now certified as Wernick Method teachers: Jim Hurst (Kentucky), Ira Gitlin (Virginia), and Craig Korth (Canada).

The Wernick Method office facilitates the classes by providing promotional and administrative support services including publicity, registration, student materials, and evaluation.

Wernick hopes to recruit and train another 75 teachers in 2012, to allow the enterprise to become fully self-sustaining and help more people learn to jam. "But even if we reach another 5,000 people this year, that's just a small fraction of the number who could really use our classes. We want to get our method to all those people and launch them as jammers. It's really rewarding to give this kind of help. They appreciate it!"

2012 Wernick Method Classes scheduled so far will be held from coast-to-coast and also in Australia. For more info: BluegrassJamming.com, or BGjam.com


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