Prescription Bluegrass Reviews Two New CDs

With two reviewers it was bound to happen sometime and we’re tickled that it didn’t take long.  This week we have two excellent CD Reviews posted; Dale Ann Bradley’s “Somewhere South of Crazy” is reviewed by Dan King and Wayne Taylor and Appaloosa’s “It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Day” was written by W.J. Hallock

“Dale Ann Bradley is quite the shiny object. She possesses a wonderfully expressive voice that evokes echoes of some of the grand dames of bluegrass and country music. …The tunes on this recording are a nice combination of Dale Ann’s originals, some old classics, and even an old Seals and Crofts tune that Dale Ann manages to make her own.”

“He also has the credentials…… playing for four Presidents and with the Father of Bluegrass, Bill Monroe. He’s been all over the world with his music. . .In his liner notes, Wayne stated that they wanted to stay true to the bluegrass genre, and they stuck close to that vision.”


Read both of these reviews on the Prescription Bluegrass CD Review Page

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