Eddie Gill Switches Teams but still in the Traditional League

Like baseball, the players in bluegrass just keep changing teams.  Bluegrass Central has alerted us to the fact that Eddie Gill is now the newest member of Big Country Bluegrass, playing guitar and singing lead.

Until making this line-up switch, Gill had been pitching tunes with Travers Chandler & Avery County.

Here’s a brand new look at the newest version of Big Country Bluegrass, with Eddie out front. Lynwood Lunsford is on banjo, Tommy Sells on mandolin, Teresa Sells on guitar, Tony King on bass and Bill Hawks on fiddle (on loan from Junior Sisk).

According to a statement released by the band,

“…Eddie Gill brings a wealth of traditional bluegrass knowledge to the band! Rounder Records founder Ken Irwin, once commented that Eddie has ‘a voice big enough to build a band around.’ And that is most certainly the case! Eddie was virtually “born” into bluegrass. His father Hermon Gill, was one of the most respected banjoist in central Virginia. Personal friends with Don Reno, Hermon continued the banjo picking style that Reno created. In doing so, he influenced a whole new generation of pickers, such as Steve Dilling and Jeremy Stephens. Eddie was exposed to many of the first generation creators of bluegrass and those influences are embedded in the very soul of Eddie’s singing and playing! With it’s high lonesome sound, Eddie’s voice harks back to the golden age of bluegrass.

Big Country Bluegrass has based it’s 25 year existence on the traditional styles of the creators. The music of Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Reno & Smiley and the Stanley Brothers, have been the blueprint for the Big Country Bluegrass style. Band leader and founder, Tommy Sells, comments, ‘Big Country Bluegrass has always been blessed with great singers. So when we were faced with needing another one, what you might say, out of the blue, comes Eddie Gill! His voice, style and personality, fit us to a T and we’re extremely happy to have him in the group!’

Big Country Bluegrass is also very happy to announce the addition of Don Rigsby, for about 20-25 dates this year on fiddle and vocals! Don’s resume is unmatched and his contribution to the Big Country Bluegrass sound is sure to create some history-making music!

A new recording on Rebel Records is already in the works, with an expected release date later in 2012.

With 25 years and counting in the business, Big Country Bluegrass is just getting started! The best is yet to come!”

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