Colorado Forest Fires Taking Toll on Bluegrass Family

Image634757102453222871Finnders and Youngberg bassist Erin Youngberg sent us a note to update us on the fire condition around Fort Collins and the resulting havoc it is wreaking upon their lives.

The Youngbergs, Erin and Aaron - both of whom play in the Finnders and Youngberg band,  have been evacuated, allowed to return and are now under the evacuation notice once again.  Erin writes:

….there is a big wildfire a few miles west of us here in Fort Collins.  It has been difficult to contain with high winds and high temperatures.  Not to mention a 10 yr drought and a forest full of beetle-killed pine trees. We were initially evacuated Sunday, June 10th upon our return from the Pagosa Folk N' Bluegrass Festival.  The evacuation order was lifted for us to return home on Thursday, so we spent Friday and Saturday hauling stuff back up to our house west of Fort Collins.  Then at 6pm this past Sunday (Father's Day) we received a pre-evacuation notice meaning we should be ready to leave immediately if we get an official evacuation notice.  That status has not changed as of today (Tues).  So we have our van loaded back up with stuff, friends have already removed all of our instruments and studio equipment (again) and are living out of our suitcase, ready to evacuate (again) if we need to. The fire fighting crew has been incredibly vigilant, communication has been really clear and honest, they are working so hard to protect homes in these difficult conditions.  So although it has been inconvenient and frustrating, even scary at times, we just have to roll with the punches and hope mother nature can help us out with this one!
Thanks for your concern, we appreciate it!

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