Prescription Bluegrass Reviews "Scratch Gravel Road"–from Special Consensus

Image634768984522500601Prescription Bluegrass reviewer Dan King  takes a listen to "Scratch Gravel Road", the latest from Greg Cahill and Special Consensus on Compass Records

Let’s face it, after 37 years of building bluegrass puzzles, Greg Cahill knows how to move the pieces around and make them fit. The first tune on the album is an absolute scorcher . . .  The next, a clever Cajun-esque style tribute to the undisputed father of bluegrass.   Then ... one of my personal favorites ..., the “Sea of Heartbreak.”  The shrink wrap hasn’t even settled in the trash can yet and we have already been treated to three different and distinct lead vocalists and three different styles of song. Each cut, however, manages to land squarely in the middle of bluegrass territory.
Read the Full ReviewClick Here

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