Road Troubles for Monroe Crossing!

Image634793174558828414Michigan based, Monroe Crossing experienced some vehicle trouble out west on their recent tour but still managed to make the date.

“. . .we were on the down side of the Snoqualmie pass in Washington when the van broke down. Fortunately, we were only about 50 miles from Bellevue (just outside Seattle) and a tow truck was there to haul us into town within an hour.

Image634793175215006933We scrambled to find some rental cars, snaked our way through heavy Seattle traffic and arrived at our show in Longview 30 minutes after the show was to begin. We were playing a community concert in the park for about 2,000 people who had waited for us and cheered as the cars pulled up. We jumped out of the cars, quickly dressed and, although quite disheveled, began playing the show within minutes. Not only did the Longview crowd stick around to enjoy the show, they also passed the hat and took up a donation to help with the extra expenses of our break down. Thank you so much, Longview!”

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