Correction Notice–Covered Grass Still Needs Help With Fundraiser!

Image634825307118832319We heard from Covered Grass that a unfortunate error was made in recent reports indicating that their fundraising efforts to journey to California for the Waltons’ 40th anniversary surprise had been reached.

We’ve now learned from their spokesperson that they are still in need of more help. They have a legitimate campaign donation site in Germany with StartNext.

What is most unfortunate is that the error in premature reporting of reaching the goal when indeed it had not been met is that some otherwise potential donors may have held off or held back in the amount of their contribution.   StarNext, like Kickstarter, has a policy that no contributions will be released to the band and no contributors’ credit cards will be charged UNLESS the goal is FULLY MET. This means the band desperately needs help from the world-wide bluegrass community or could risk loosing all of the funding and their truly unique opportunity.  

Also, to help with minimizing expenses,  the band posted this note on their Facebook page this morning: 

We're looking for a (payable!) double bass to rent in the Los Angeles area. It is needed for 2 days from September 28th to September to 30th. Anyone out there who could help? We count on you friends.

If anyone in the Los Angeles area has an upright bass the group could use for two days at the end of Sept. , contact the band at: fishdix.records@t-online.de

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