Barbara Lamb To Post Guest Blogger Comments and Pictures from China!

Image634922170672962415Barbara Lamb is a fiddler extraordinaire who’s fiddling talent knows no genre boundaries, from Bluegrass to Texas Swing to New-Age, Barbara has probably done it and done it well.  And yes she once was part of a Cowgirl Yodeling band called Ranch Romance.

Barbara is currently embarking upon the YODELING FOR WORLD PEACE Tour along with her pals, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer.  Barbara has agreed to send us photos and her comments to post here on the Prescription Bluegrass Blog.

The U.S. State Department’s American Voices Abroad program is sending the trio as cultural diplomats to CHINA, MALAYSIA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA and VANUATU.  We’ve been told that Facebook is blocked in China but our blog readership statistics show a good deal of readers from China (this month China is 2nd in the number of readers behind the United States), so we hope the phone service gets through and we’ll be posting for all to see just as soon as Barbara sends them.

They’ll be taking 2 ukuleles , 2 guitars, 1 banjo, 1 fiddle and 1 washboard on the plane with their luggage and have already shipped ahead lots of washboards and limberjacks to give as gifts. The ladies will be collaborating with local musicians in each location and performing together.

Barbara, or “Babs” as her friends call her, owns her own record label; Lots of Coffee Records, and has played with numerous high-profile artists such as: Asleep At The Wheel, The John Cowan Band, The Laura Love Band, Peter Rowan, Trisha Yearwood, Tony Trischka, Bill Evans, Riders In The Sky and many others.

As a brand new teenager at age 12 Mark O’Connor already a (multi-string instrument wiz) apprenticed on fiddle with Barbara.  At age 13 Mark won the prestigious Grand Masters Fiddle Championships in Nashville against amateur and professional competitors of all ages.

Certainly not a stranger to teaching music to kids of all ages and also not a stranger to taking her music abroad, Barbara recently toured Russia with Banjo Master Bill Evans, Todd Phillips and Tim May where she called upon her teaching skills to help a Russian classroom learn the elements of Clogging.

We’re certainly looking forward to seeing what Barbara sends back from the Orient.   Be watching – right here!  Meanwhile, here’s a couple of videos to help you get to know Barbara a little better.


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