Darrel Webb Sings with The Grascals

Image634970438042553596Just like baseball where bluegrass music and it’s assorted players have so often been compared, it is necessary  at times for teams to employ pinch hitters.  Such is the case with the Grascals this week.

Jamie Johnson who normally pitches his voice in the tenor position is on the illness roster and the rest of the band are asking fans in the stands and at home to keep him in mind and prayers.

Jamie has come down with something bad and the doctor told him that he needed to stay home.  Reports are that  he has no voice, and is really too sick to travel.  But most importantly, he's contagious.

So the bluegrass team has called up honorary Grascal, Darrell Webb, to sing tenor and render some fine songs for the fans until Johnson is back in uniform.

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