Only Novel Written by Woody Guthrie Just Discovered

Image634956461275065003Politics and sex may have kept Woody Guthrie’s only novel from being published after it was written. 

Just now coming to light, Woody Guthrie’s House of Earth may be the only novel written by the famed folk-song writer and American activist.  It’s the story of a young Texas panhandle couple living in the midst of the Great Dust Bowl Depression and is being released by a new publishing firm owned by actor Johnny Depp.

According to Guthrie’s daughter Nora Guthrie in an NPR interview, the book “…hammers home the really rough and rich life.”

The book is also filled with many of Woody’s original drawings.

It is retailing in the 240 page hardcover version for $25.99 from major on-line book stores.

Read more including an excerpt from the book and listen to the NPR story here.

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