Monroe Crossing Recalled–Back to Carnegie Hall

MC LOGOPrescription Bluegrass received a quick note from Monroe Crossing’s Bass man, Mark Anderson who informed us that the band will be making their second appearance in two years at NYC's Carnegie Hall on Sun, Jun 08, 2014 (next year)  performing a set of Bluegrass and The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass.

More details surely will follow.



The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass is also available as a recording from the band’s website. 

The most unusual recording in the bluegrass community! Commissioned for VocalEssence by Mike and Kay McCarthy and brilliantly executed by composer Carol Barnett and librettist Marisha Chamberlain, The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass blends the classical mass, modern choral sophistication, touching poetry and traditional bluegrass instrumentation into an exhilarating musical experience. This was recorded at the famed "Studio M" in St. Paul Minnesota under the direction of Philip Brunelle by Monroe Crossing and Minnesota's premier professional choir, the VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, and features our own Lisa Fuglie as soloist.

Don't expect a "bluegrass recording" as this is truly a choral work with bluegrass instrumentation, but it's highly recommended if your interested in hearing the outer reaches of the bluegrass influence. Included as a special bonus are 12 pieces of choral music without Monroe Crossing.

The music uplifts the poetry and interweaves the chorus and band into a masterful patchwork. One might expect simple harmonies and chords from a bluegrass piece for choir, but this is not the case. The harmonies are intricate and the rhythms are complex and, at times, rapid-fire. ... As one might expect, this "crossover" piece has attracted an unusual audience, bringing bluegrass musicians to choir concerts and causing choral directors to call upon banjo players. If you have any interest in the American choral or bluegrass scenes, this recording is not to be missed.” - International Alliance for Women in Music Journal

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