New Electronic Tip Jar – Right on Your Data Phone - Launches Sept. 24th

my tip jar imageMY TIP JAR is a new app for smart phones that will allow fans watching a musical performance to give the band a tip without leaving their seat – right from the convenience of their touch screen.

Developed by DevDigital with musicians and their fans in mind,  MY TIP JAR  is a mobile virtual tip jar and connectivity app that knows no bounds.

Each artist on the app will be listed starting with the closest one to the user’s current location. It will also show you where you are in relation to the artist you have selected as you scroll through the choices.

At the venue where the performance is being held, fans can also use MY TIP JAR to pay for merchandise like T-Shirts and CD purchases.

Tools like this will become essential  for bands, established artists, venues, charities, and others in the future.

This is a new mobile app that will allows people to tip their favorite local band, comedian, on stage performer, even the valet right from their smart phone.

All the band or artist needs to do is setup an account with a valid form of payment and you are all set. You can even sign up using Open ID with your Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or Google + IDs.  

We asked how the bluegrass community is receiving this technology and the answer was that two bluegrass artists had already signed up before the official launch date.

The app is free for fans and or customers but bands will pay a small fee based upon sales and there is special pricing for charities.

Bands will get to put a link on their special artist page and will also load their schedules. When they are active they will check in at the venue and the users will see them on a map, so the user will know who is playing and where.

After the bands establish connections with the users, the user will get push notices from the bands when they are in town and where they are playing.  Artists can also provide a download for certain amounts of a tip. It will become an amazing tool for the bands, they can use if how they want, a real "why not" app according to Jon Robb one of the app’s developers.

MY TIP JAR launches September 24th at a special outdoor benefit concert for the Live 4 Tay Foundation, a non-porofit organization raising awareness for childhood cancer & helping families. (Visit www.live4tay.org for more information.)

The company is signing up bands in advance of the September launch and if you want your band listed, Just email your questions and contact information to:  my_tip_jar@yahoo.com

Why should you sign up?  Simply put, because less and less people carry cash these days, and that's not going to change anytime soon!  Here's an example quoted from the company’s webpage.  I was out one evening recently watching a local band in a medium size bar/venue. When it came time to pass the Tip Jar around, I watched maybe 1 person out of 4 reach into their wallet or pocket and pull out a few dollars to drop in the pickle jar/Tip Jar. At the same time I watched nearly every second person say "I'm sorry, I don't have any CASH on me!" Also at that same time I noticed that at least 2 out of 3 people standing there had their smart phone out texting, taking photos, checking Facebook etc.!

This is where MyTipJar comes into play. It’s a FREE DOWNLOAD for listeners from the App Store that allows the band/artist to stop seeing money walk out the door, and instead start seeing it in "MyTipJar".

More information is available at my-tip-jar.com

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