Student Videographers Get Experience At Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion

BR13Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion helps L.C.King Manufacturing Co. celebrate 100 years of quality, American made products with lights, sound and action, thanks to a partnership with Live & Breathing and King University.  

Students and faculty from King University's Photography Dept. will aid in a special video production, led by Live & Breathing, in the historic factory during Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion.

"Live & Breathing is well-known for traveling to music festivals and filming artists in unusual settings," says Charlene Baker, Director of Marketing & Communications for Birthplace of Country Music®, the parent organization of Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion.  "When artists found out the project involved L.C. King's 100th anniversary, artists like J.D. McPherson, Pokey LaFarge, and The Apache Relay wanted to be part of it."

King University Photography students will serve as production assistants during shooting and take still photos of the artists for promotional and social media use during the festival.

"The production will provide real-world experience for our students," says Joe Strickland, Assistant Professor of Photography at King University, "we are very excited to be part of the production."

King University Photography students will also provide social media coverage during the festival for the second year at Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion.

"The L.C. King factory serves as the perfect backdrop for what we do," says Rachel Williams, a producer at Live & Breathing. "The location lends itself to the authenticity of the artists and the festival."

One of the videos shot by  Live & Breathing from two-time Grammy award winner Jim Lauderdale - Recorded at the 2011 Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion Festival.

The L.C. King Manufacturing Company, makers of Pointer Brand workwear since 1913, will be opening their doors to their new showroom and factory outlet during Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion.

"Additionally, we are proud to host the 'L.C. King Centennial Sessions' at the factory," says Ben Collins, Brand and Digital Manager or L.C. King.  "These private sessions will be a unique experience for artists and fans alike, helping to celebrate our significant mileston of one hundred years of made in America and our unique role in the Appalachian region's hardworking music culture.  It is serendipitous that King University will play a role as we share in the King family lineage."

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