Robin Williams Headed For Surgery

Image635145276576086436Back in July we told you about a bad accident that befell Robin Williams and caused him to miss a few shows due to several cracked ribs and a punctured lung. (See Story)

Now it seems that the quick recovery wasn’t so quick nor complete and he’ll be back in the hospital for a surgical procedure.

Immediately after getting home from Europe, Robin and Linda learned that what they thought to be fluid on Robin's left lung was actually dried blood which had formed a rind covering about 1/4 of that lung.

The Doctors tell Robin it needs to be removed surgically as soon as possible as the longer it stays there the more attached it becomes and the harder it is to remove successfully. 
So Robin and Linda and Their Fine Band and all of their fans are still dealing with the fallout of that accident that occurred back in June. 
The doctors as well as Robin and Linda are very positive about the out come.  The operation will be on September 16.
Unfortunately that means they will have to reschedule some of their tour dates in late September  as Robin will not be able to make them, and Linda will need to be with him. 

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