Survey Respondents Favor Old Crow On Opry

OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW INDUCTED INTO GRAND OLE OPRYNews last month that popular String Band OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW had been invited to join the Grand Ole Opry generated a bit of a stir among Prescription Bluegrass readers.   So we decided to conduct a poll and here are the results.

The survey asked one question with five possible answers.  The question was: “I am thrilled that Old Crow Medicine Show will become Grand Ole Opry Members.

More than half of the respondents (50.6%) said Yes, they strongly agreed with that statement while less than a quarter of them (20.8%) had the exact opposite opinion and said “No, I strongly DISAGREE with that statement.”

Less than one tenth (9.1%) said they had no agreement or disagreement either way and those who were on the fence, but leaning either pro or con, were just about even



Among those who chose to add a personal opinion to the comment section, almost twice as many were not in favor of the invitation. 

I can't imagine a reason for a band such as OCMS not being a member.

While I like OCMS. I think a lot of acts need to earn their way in to the Opry. Not that they haven't.It just seems like any old body can sing a hit (even if it's not theirs)and the next thing ya know.... Opry member. I've played in a band and sang hundreds of those old songs... not a member. The Opry is the Hall of fame for these guys let them wait.

Wrong way to go for the Opry's Tradition.

They are excellent musicians and great entertainers! They deserve it!

I think Old Crow is a fine band but just feel there are many others more deserving of Opry membership.


I don't understand why anyone would disagree.

There are PLENTY of country artists that need to be members of the Opry and have been performing for years before these newer groups and artists. Gene Watson, for instance.

We always need fresh blood at the opry and this is a wonderful expansion of the music.

grand ole opry is built on tradition .. 1 song don't make you country..

The opry does not have enough banjos on stage. This band has twi! Wagon Wheel is overated, but maybe just maybe it will get some young kid interested in acoustic music!

There are MANY bluegrass bands that are more worthy of the honor, that are truly country music.

Due to the fact that the Grand Ole Opry has several members now that dont come anywhere close to the country music genre I am personally thrilled they have chosen this group to join....

Grand Ole Opry Members when I was growing up meant something...You were a nationally know big time star...for a period of time. There have been people who should or just have been made stars of the Opry that should have been years ago...I'm a big fan of Old Crow Medicine Show but they are no Grand Ole Opry Stars....at least not the ones like it use to be... 

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