Dr. Banjo Cuts Back on Colorado Jam Camps!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  PETE WERNICK - DR. BANJOWe received a note from Pete Wernick that Colorado folks and nearby pickers who have been considering attending one of his specialized "Jam Camps" need to get in gear and decide fast.

Due to the upcoming new album release from Hot Rize and the accompanying touring schedule, Pete says he'll have little time and his "schedule won't have the usual lulls that allow me to host local jam camps."

That means there is only one Jam Camp scheduled this year in Colorado and to help folks make a decision to come to the camp and learn Pete's unique and fun jamming techniques, he's offering a special incentive.

$10 off tuition if you sign up by March 1,

and  for returning jam campers - make that $15 off!

This year's Jam Camp in Boulder, Colorado will be  March 28-30.

Dr. Banjo Jam Camps are taught by certified instructors around the world. For a list of other Jam

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