The Beaten Path Bluegrass Trail May Become Reality in Kentucky!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  - Kentucky Democratic state Sen. Robin Webb of GraysonIf a proposal in Kentucky gets legislative approval, the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet  there would create and promote the bluegrass trail, which would identify and locate venues, festivals, concerts, museums, schools and historic and noteworthy sites that feature bluegrass music.

The bill, bill sponsored by Democratic state Sen. Robin Webb of Grayson,  seeks to promote traditional Kentucky culture and would boost tourism, Ms. Webb told local reporters.

"Bluegrass music is a fundamental and traditional component of Kentucky's cultural heritage that people from all regions of America and throughout the world readily identify and seek out as uniquely appealing," Ms. Webb said.

Webb, a  life-long fan of bluegrass music counts several professional bluegrass musicians as personal friends and said she came up with the idea for the Beaten Path Bluegrass Music Trail after talking with some of them about he challenges faced by full-time musicians in the area, including lapses in an otherwise well-organized music festival circuit.

Webb’s resolution will be considered during the current legislative session.

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