New Online Platform Provides Opportunities for Musicians!

If you haven't heard of Google Hangouts yet, get prepared.  You're going to be hearing a lot about this new PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE   SARAH POPEJOYtechnology and you're going to be hearing about it from all over the planet as more and more people find more and more ways to use it.

One of the newest ideas for musicians comes from Texas songwriter Sarah Popejoy who hosts a type of musical variety show similar to a grass-roots television program.  The major difference here is that all of the guests and the host don't need to be in the same studio.

Guests don't even need to be in the same state or even the same country for that matter.  With Google Hangouts, each person is in their own studio, home, office or other location with a webcam and a microphone and each one participates  and interacts with the host and other guests remotely.

Sarah Popejoy's program, Musicians Empowered Song Hour  began a few weeks ago and she is about to launch her second show tonight.

Her broadcast is a live online acoustic music show that focuses on songs in their stripped down acoustic version and the artists who perform them. "We have bluegrass, folk, country and singer/songwriter" (categories), said Ms. Popejoy.   There are also links to artists' websites and where to buy their music along with a tip jar.

Another feature of the Google Hangout that is beneficial for all involved is it's a direct tie to the YOU-TUBE platform.  Every Google Hangout Broadcast is archived on You-Tube so if you happen to miss a particular Hangout, you can always watch it at another, more convenient time.   That gives you some flexibility in your viewing schedule but it also helps the artists in this case to gather more and more new fans as people watch and share and watch and share and on and on.

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  BRANDON LEE ADAMSPRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  LUCAS COOKOn tonight's Musicians Empowered Song Hour, Ms. Popejoy's guest will be bluegrass artist Brandon Lee Adams  and Texas Genre-Blender Lucas Cook

The show will be at 8 O'Clock tonight (TEXAS TIME) and for those not living in the Lone-Star State, that converts to Central Daylight Time.  Here's the link to watch.

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