Phil Leadbetter Hopeful for No Relapse!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  PHIL LEADBETTERFrom Don Rigsby we've learned of some not-so-good news regarding Phil Leadbetter.

Phil went through a lengthy ordeal with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and had been pronounced cancer free .

Don Rigsby asks: "those of you who know Phil Leadbetter already know what a valiant fight he has waged against the dreaded C. He got news today (Thursday) that may be a setback in his journey toward a permanent fix in this life. Join me in starting RIGHT NOW with diligent prayer to the GREAT HEALER that this be just another bump in the road to his long life of health and happiness. I love you Phil. You are a great guy and an inspiration to all and the perfect example of dignity and poise. God bless you."

Phil had a CT scan Thursday morning that showed several enlarged lymph nodes in the same area where they found  cancer 3 years ago.

Phil says, "I'm not real concerned about it, but of course 'what if' is always in the back of my mind. The positive news is that this was a CT scan. A CT can only show changes, but not activity."

Phil is scheduled for a PET scan next Wednesday that will show if anything is going on.  Phil says he feels healthy right now and has no symptoms like he had previously.

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