Donna Ulisse authors book about her creative process!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE - BOOK COVERAt the request of her publisher, Hadley Music Group, singer-songwriter Donna Ulisse has authored a book about her personal creative process when writing songs. The book is titled The Songwriter in Me: Snapshots of My Creative Process.

The Songwriter in Me unfolds like a visit with an old friend — down-home, easygoing, conversational — as Ulisse invites you in to "this beautiful place where I make music these days." Peppered with personal anecdotes and generous with insights, this handy book stands as a tribute to the power of the imagination. 

You don't have to be a songwriter to reap its benefits. Ulisse's suggestions can help you whether you are writing a song, a poem or a short story — or, for that matter, a speech, a sermon or marketing copy. As the title of one early chapter says, "Creativity Keeps You Young," and Ulisse stands as living proof, showing no signs of slowing down her prolific output of new songs and recordings. 

Learn how to feed your imagination ... nurture your creativity (and revive it when it seems dormant) ...see the world through a child's eyes ... discover your own unique storytelling style ... engage listeners' imaginations ... be honest in your writing ... access your deep well of emotions ... and do research to make your stories more believable. 

Ulisse also explains the mechanics of songwriting, such as rhyme, "syllable sense" and meter, and how she approaches the different parts of a song; discusses the joys (and necessity) of rewriting; and describes her process of "song scrapping," or finding ideas for songs. She provides helpful tips for collaboration and shares some of her favorite tools of the trade, as well as other outlets to help you in your songwriting journey. Along the way, Ulisse offers numerous examples from her own rich catalog of songs and provides exercises that will help you hone your creative skills. 

Spend a little time with Donna Ulisse and you'll be enriched by the experience!

The book is available on Amazon, through Ulisse's website store and at her shows and songwriting workshops when touring.

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