Say What You Will!

Image635517458188422974Over the last several years we've had something to say on the subject of just about anything and everything connected with bluegrass. Every week we've published a new editorial comment as a feature of our weekly newsletter and as a special bonus page on the Prescription Bluegrass Blog.

And just about every week we hear from readers. Some who agree, and some who don't, with what we have to say. But the editorials that have always generated the most readership are the ones written by our guest writers.

We've always had a policy of openness when it comes to publishing guest editorials and we will continue to do so. We may not always agree with your point of view, but we agree with your right to express yourself and we believe you should have a platform with which to do so.

Guest editorials should be sent to:


with “Guest Editorial” in the subject line. Your name, short bio and professional photo should accompany the text.

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