Dixie Hall, Wife of Tom T. Hall, has Brain Tumor

Dixie HallDuring this season of thanksgiving and blessings, the folks at Tom T. and Dixie Hall's  Good Home Grown Music are giving thanks for one of their greatest blessings, their  matriarch, Dixie Hall.

Dixie has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. However; that's not slowing her down.

She's still doing some of the things that makes her happiest .. like caring for animals, helping the homeless and writing (and even recording) bluegrass music. She has all the girls knitting scarves and gathering toys, Kleenex and whatever else she can think of to give to the homeless; she's raising money for one of her favorite organizations ... Belly Rubs Basset Rescue, where she got their basset/beagle mix AmandoLyn "aka Mandy" from (if she ever gives you a gold star be careful, it'll cost you a $25.00 donation ); and she recorded her very first song "Sunnyflower One" which you can download for free (go to the website www.goodhomegrownmusic.com and click on the Sunnyflower One picture).

During the month of December please help us show thanks to Dixie for all she's done.

More than 500 songs written by Dixie Hall have been recorded during her career. Married to Tom T. Hall since 1964, she has focused her life on charity work, homemaking, raising and showing Basset Hounds, and working with the local humane society—helping them raise a million dollars by sheer willpower and hard work.

Her passion for and accomplishments in bluegrass music go back to a time before she met and married Tom T.  She says, “I’ve been a bluegrass fan all my life—always. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know."

Read More about Dixie Hall in Bluegrass Unlimited's extensive article written by Nancy Cardwell. 

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