‘Banjostand’ Interactive Public Art Project Returns for 2015 World of Bluegrass!

Image635761674706507226Sponsored by the City’s Office of Raleigh Arts, artist Bland Hoke will install an enhanced version of his “Banjostand,” a popular interactive public art project, for the International Bluegrass Music Association’s 2015 World of Bluegrass.

“Banjostand was one of the most popular aspects of last year’s World of Bluegrass.  It’s a testament to how public art can engage community.  I look forward to seeing what develops when the installation returns this year!,"  said Kim Curry-Evans, Office of Raleigh Arts’ public art coordinator.

“Banjostand,” made from hundreds of castoff banjo parts provided by Deering Banjo to create a bandstand, will be located at the Bruno Lucchesi sculpture of Sir Walter Raleigh at the Cabarrus Street end of the Raleigh Convention Center.

Enhancements for 2015 include augmented lighting and a prop shop, with a photographer on site several hours each day to photograph participants in costume.

A #Banjostand contest will be a key component of the project. Use the hashtag to send photo greetings to fellow bluegrass fans on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and your photograph could earn you a prize.  

Artist Bland Hoke creates high-impact site-integrated artwork throughout the United States using reclaimed and recycled materials. His environmentally conscientious approach is emboldened by a continually expanding knowledge of how to find, acquire and work with post-use metals, fabrics, equipment and cast-offs from industry. He is a 2002 graduate of Parsons The New School for Design in New York City with a master’s degree in transdisciplinary design. He received his bachelor’s degree from New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, where he graduated magna cum laude in 2007. He resides in Long Island City, N.Y.

World of Bluegrass runs from Sept. 29-Oct. 3 in Raleigh. Installation of “Banjostand” begins Sept. 26.

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