Call For Independent Films For 7th Annual International Bluegrass Film Festival

Image635072186092508533The Northern California Bluegrass Society (NCBS) has issued it’s annual Call For Films for the nation’s only festival devoted to new bluegrass-related documentary films.

The Seventh Annual NCBS International Bluegrass Music Museum Film Festival will be held on January 26, 2014 in Redwood City.

The film festival is part of the weekend’s Bluegrass On Broadway Festival presented by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.  The festival shows both independent bluegrass-related films and films
from the International Bluegrass Music Museum’s Oral History Project.

The deadline for independent film submissions for consideration by the
festival is October 11, 2013. Submissions may be sent to:

Michael Hall, Film Festival Director
610 Island Place
Redwood City, CA 94065

The festival will be hosted by official IBMM representative Carl Pagter.

Principal financial support for Bluegrass On Broadway comes from the Redwood City Civic Cultural Commission and other Redwood City organizations and businesses. Admission is FREE.

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