Eddie Adcock and Tom Gray to be Honored in Washington!

Image634650609716054849Eddie Adcock and Tom Gray are this year's winners of the Washington Monument Award from the D.C. Bluegrass Union, honoring them for their trailblazing days with the Country Gentlemen in the 1960s and their continuing influence and excellence. "[They] have made enormous contributions to bluegrass as we know it today," said DCBU President Randy Barrett.

They'll pick up the award and perform with Martha Adcock at the 3rd annual D.C. Bluegrass Festival on Feb. 24 & 25 in Silver Spring MD. Both Eddie and Tom are members of IBMA's Hall of Fame.

Bill Emerson and Hazel Dickens are previous recipients of the Washington Monument Award, which recognizes individuals who have made outstanding regional and national contributions to bluegrass.

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