Film Producer Seeks Donations to Finish Documentary

Last of the Breed: The Dave Evans Story

Traditional bluegrass fans have long recognized Dave Evans for what he is: a living legend. Dave is one of the few true triple threats in the genre - a talented singer, instrumentalist, and songwriter.   Alison Krauss has cited him as one of her biggest inspirations.  

Image634637926653624819But while his contemporaries have seen crossover success with more mainstream audiences on the heels of O Brother Where Art Thou? and the growth of the IBMA, Dave remains largely unknown to wider listeners. 

Red Line Studios film company is currently producing a documentary about the legendary bluegrass musician and Rebel Records recording artist Dave Evans, working with Tom T. Hall and others in the bluegrass and country music communities to bring the project to life.  This is a non-profit film, and with that, we are reaching out to bluegrass fans world-wide for support.  

The Last of the Breed tells Dave's amazing story of music, hardship, freedom, civil rights, redemption, and destiny.  In association with The Kanawha Gateway Heritage Area and Fractured Atlas, Red Line Studios is reaching out to the bluegrass community for financial support.  As every dollar counts we have set no minimum donation amount. And as a token of our thanks we will be giving away exclusive gifts to supporters of the film.  Every donation is also eligible for a tax deduction because of our non-profit status. 

A fundraising goal of $30,000 has been set to film The Last of the Breed: The Dave Evans Story. Monies raised will help cover basic expenses such as travel, equipment rentals, archival research and lodgings for the professional film crew who is donating their services for this creative initiative.

If you've ever been moved by the profound soulfulness of Dave's music or if you're just someone who roots for the underdog, please join us to make his story heard.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about this film. To donate, or learn more about our project, please follow this link.  You can also follow us on Facebook

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