Monroe Crossing Trains New Banjo Picker How To Swim!

Image634638533003594819David Robinson is now suited up and entering the pool of pickers who earn their living on the road.  Robinson is the newest member of Monroe Crossing replacing Benji Flaming on banjo.

According to the group’s Derek Johnson, the band members had no time to practice with Robinson before the holiday break  while he (Robinson) was finishing up his high school degree.

Johnson says, “I told him that due to the band’s busy end of the year schedule we would not Image634638528280054819have the ‘luxury’ to practice before our winter tour. I told him that what we intended to do was to ‘throw him into the deep end and see if he floats.’ Well, I'm happy to report that not only does David ‘float,’ but he knows the crawl stroke, the backstroke and even the butterfly! Subsequently, David has spent the past 12 shows continually impressing his new band mates”

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