New IBMA Director Expected to be Announced Soon!

Image634661950654450000According to IBMA Board Chairperson, Stan Zdonik, they expect to be announcing the name of the new Director of the International Bluegrass Music Association within a couple of weeks.

Zdonik told the group’s members in their monthly newsletter, “The search for a new Executive Director has been met with substantial interest. 

We received more than 65 applications, all of which were reviewed by the Executive Committee and by a separate Screening Committee, made up of respected members of the bluegrass community, but with no board representation.  The Screening Committee made a recommendation to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee accepted their list.  The Executive Committee then conducted several rounds of interviews which produced a ranked list of candidates for the board’s consideration.  The board is wrapping up the process of in-person interviews with the top candidates from that list.  We expect a decision to be made in the next couple of weeks, but, of course, we feel that it is most important to do whatever it takes to find the right person for the position.”

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