Foghorn In Ireland–Guest Blogger Post #4

Foghorn’s Nadine Landry Updates us on their Ireland/UK adventures here in Guest Blogger Post #4

Image634741726188963297Leaving Ireland was hard but we knew we had great times ahead of us! From Baltimore, we drove to Dublin, took the ferry to Holyhead in Wales, then spent the night with our good friends Jock and Vera and their lovely kids Lukas and Rosa.

Awesome meal, great sleep and ready to head to Liverpool, first stop on the UK part of the trip. Greeted by Barry Southern and family, we started off by an interview at the BBC. We played a few tunes and chatted with our host Billy.

Then local ale tasting, lovely supper and played the Mello Mello, great neighborhood bar.


Video at Mello Mello

We left the next day for a long journey in the South of Wales. We realized the show was starting in just a few minutes and were still a good 10 miles from the venue. Swerving off to avoid a car on a tiny road, we hit a tree root and popped a tire! I hitched a ride with 2 fishermen that happened to pass by and tried to get to the venue, oh so hard to find. We got lost, but eventually found the venue where I could tell the organizer about our bad luck! Meanwhile, the rest of the band sadly realized that the spare tire we had been carrying the whole time (and been in the way!) was not the right one for the van!!!!  Image634741728895281164

Image634741733534179659Thankfully, our new friend Guy with his big van picked up the band, we played the show in the lovely chapel and hired a tow truck. Tire got fixed the next day and we drive to London!

We played the first Giddy-Up, an event co-organized by the Willesden Folk Club and DJ Konal. There was even a square dance happening!

From there we drove to Cromer, Norfolk. Great timing, we arrived there right in time for their seafood festival!



Video from the Snug Club in Cromer

From there, we played the Three Horseshoes in Towersy, a little village in Oxfordshire. The barn we played in was built in the 1400s. Old stuff! 

Then we went back to Liverpool to play a great bar called the Caledonia. So good to be back in Liverpool! Our good friend Barry Southern played banjo with us for most of the night. When we left the next day, I can guarantee there weren't very many dry eyes during our goodbyes. Thanks so much to the whole Southern family for everything! 

Last gig of the whole UK portion of the tour: Edinburgh! Oh Scotland, you're do awesome and we're do sorry our stay wasn't even 24 hours. We promise to make it to up you next time! We played a great house concert and stayed with banjo player extraordinaire Eamonn Coyne. 

We drove all the way back down to London, returned the van at the rental place (shhhh, don't tell them about all our adventures!) and stayed in the first hotel room of the whole tour. A million thanks to Charlie Hardie for helping with the booking of the UK portion of the tour. We had a blast and hope to be back before too long! 

In the next blog, you'll hear all about Foghorn's adventures in Switzerland! 

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