Far West Folk Alliance Offers Scholarships for Annual Conference

Image634793291923257665Folk Alliance Region West (FAR-West) is pleased to announce its 9th Annual FAR-West Regional Conference will be held Thursday, October 18 through Sunday, October 21, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine in southern California.

Would you love to attend FAR-West but just don't seem to have the funds available at this time? If so, then you may be a candidate for a scholarship award through the Howard Larman Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The Howard Larman Fund was created specifically to give partial and full registration scholarships to artists who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial hardship. Artists interested in applying for the 2012 scholarship may submit the online application by August 3, 2012. (Electronic submission preferred.)

Download and save the application to your computer. Then, type the information on the downloaded Word doc, save and email it to: Susie Glaze hilonesome@aol.com  by August 3, 2012.  If you are unable to complete and submit via email, you can print a copy and mail it to Susie Glaze, c/o Hilonesome Music, 848 North Pass Ave., Burbank, CA  91505

Application Requirements: (All applications and scholarship recipient information is kept in strict confidence.)

  • Applicant must be an aspiring or currently performing artist
  • Applicant must be a current member of Folk Alliance or become a member prior to the conference. (Additional support may be available from the Larman Fund for artists who are unable to afford FA membership.)
  • Applicant must demonstrate a reasonable and current financial hardship that would prevent them from attending the conference.

Application deadline for 2012 FAR-West Conference is August 3, 2012.  The Larman Scholarship Committee (consisting of the committee chair, FAR-West treasurer and one board member-at-large) will review all submissions. All submissions and award information will remain anonymous. The chairperson will notify all applicants and provide awardees with a registration code by August 31st, 2012. Funds will be dispersed once the awardee has registered for the conference.* (If an applicant has already registered and paid, s/he will receive a refund.)

* Awards are contingent upon donations received to the scholarship fund.

If you would like to help others through this program, donations to the Howard Larman Memorial Scholarship Fund are accepted at various levels starting at $25.  Email Julie Paris julie@jrp-graphics.com or call 818.707.2179 to make a donation.  Donations can also be made when registering for the conference.

Who was Howard Larman? Click here for more information.



FAR-West 2012
Irvine, CA
Thu Oct 18 2012
05:00 PM

FAR-West 2012
Irvine, CA
Fri Oct 19 12
08:00 AM

FAR-West 2012 Official Showcase
Irvine, CA
Fri Oct 19

07:00 PM

FAR-West 2012
Irvine, CA
Sat Oct 20
08:00 AM

FAR-West 2012 Official Showcase
Irvine, CA
Sat Oct 20 12
07:00 PM

FAR-West 2012
Irvine, CA
Sun Oct 21

08:00 AM

> See More / Details

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