Prescription Bluegrass Offers FREE Bluegrass Newsletter

The Prescription Bluegrass Media Center has numerous ways to get the news to you.  One of the more popular ways – through your very own EMAIL – gets high marks on the surveys because of the convenience of reading the news “…at your own convenience.”

All of the previous week’s bluegrass news is condensed into headlines and snippets with thumbnail graphics and direct links to the full story.

Here’s the link to the on-line version of this week’s edition:   http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3987bfd4f61eece8726de6f72&id=837a52b9f1

and here’s the link to sign up for your very own copy delivered once-a-week right to your inbox so you can read it at home, at the office or on-the-go. http://eepurl.com/fDW2E

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