Donna Ulisse Wants You in Her New Video

Image634988507379279247Calling All Children of God” is the name of Donna Ulisse’s new song and video-to-be.  And that’s just what she’s doing too, calling on you to help.

Donna and her team are making a video for the song and want to use as many different pictures or short videos of her fans as she can….Here’s what you should do if you’d like to be considered for the video.

Submit a picture or short video clip of yourself, one of your loved ones whether it be a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sister, brother or just a good friend holding a sign that says, "I Am A Child of God" or having that in the photo frame or video frame somehow or other.

Send your image or video clip in hi-resolution (300 dpi for photos) to

See Donna’s little video for examples and additional details and then get those cameras and your creativity out and get to work all you Children of God!

They would like to have all the images in during the next month to start making their final choices  - hoping to include as many as possible.

Keep in mind, if they choose to use your photo or video clip, they will need to have you sign a release giving  permission to use the image or video.

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