Scholarship Available for Dr. Banjo’s Jam Camp Pre-MerleFest!

Image634991340128446076Pete Wernick tells us of the availability of a full scholarship to his 2013 Jam Camp in Boomer, NC.

The camp, open to pickers of all bluegrass instruments, runs Monday through Thursday, April 22-25, immediately prior to MerleFest.

It offers both basic skills and intermediate tracks. Camp qualifications are just the ability to tune one's instrument and change smoothly between G, C, D, and A (basses and fiddles need to know the notes in each chord).

The camp is held at the beautiful Camp Harrison YMCA Camp at Herring Ridge 10 miles outside of Wilkesboro, NC.

The scholarship winner will receive full tuition, room and board at Camp Harrison, a $590 value.

Applicants must write to Pete@DrBanjo.com and indicate:

  • instrument(s),
  • age,
  • jam experience,
  • goals, and
  • financial need (indicate briefly).

Selection criteria include: financial need with youth -- under 25 -- a plus but not required.

Application deadline is March 26, with notification by March 29. Need-based discounts are also available.

More information about the camp: http://drbanjo.com/camps-merlefestinfo.php.

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