Gibson Brothers Lose Mandolinist Joe Walsh

Image635016967386338610“Well, all good things come must come to an end.” That’s the way Joe Walsh began his statement posted on his Facebook page over the weekend.

He continued:

. . . and it's now time for me to part ways with the Gibson Brothers. I've been a lucky man to get to know, play, travel and work with Leigh, Eric, Clayton, and Mike, and am proud of the music and records we've made, and the awards and accolades we've won in these past four and half years. I've learned a lot in the time I spent with them, and am grateful that we got the chance to share the same path for a while. I wish them the very best.

As that phase of my career wraps up, i'm looking forward to jumping into the next phase: I've just recorded an album with Darol Anger, Courtney Hartman,Lukas Pool, and Sharon Gilchrist, and cannot wait to share it with the world.Grant Gordy, Karl Doty, Darol and I have a new project going, with plans to record, and I couldn't be more excited about having more time to work with them in the future.

In the next few months I will be doing gigs with some of my favorite musicians and people, including Grant, Darol, Tom Snow, Adam Hurt, Jack Devereux,Lincoln Meyers, Steve Roy, Jonathan Edwards, and others, and will look forward to seeing some friendly faces out there on the road.

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