Three Cheers for Banjo Man Lee Marcus


Lee Marcus is the kind of guy who won’t stand still and let a wrong be committed and he knows how to get others behind him too.

At this time there are two conflicting stories about a group of radical church-goers from the Westboro Baptist Church. One story claims that the group plans to picket the funeral of the recently deceased Country Music star George Jones. The other says that they’ll be picketing the NBA Playoff Games in Oklahoma City and Chicago.

It’s the funeral picketing that has upset Mr. Marcus and on his Facebook page dedicated to Old Farts and Jackasses, he posted  a notice that started out “The Fighting Side of Me is angered now”…paraphrasing a line from a famous Merle Haggard song.

The radical group intending the protest says in a press release that the Country Star was a “drunkard.”

Marcus called for his faithful followers and others who liked, admired and appreciated George Jones to come to the Ryman Auditorium where the funeral will be held to form a barricade “between those nuts and the funeral.”   “Don’t let this CULT make this sad day even harder,” he also wrote.

With more than 2000 likes and 1,800 shares from his Facebook page on this posting alone, it was enough to gather the attention of  USA TODAY and they included Marcus’ quotes in a story this afternoon.

Since the breaking of the USA Today story, “LIKES” and “SHARES” on Marcus’ Facebook post have more than doubled and continue to grow.

If the reaction from Mr. Marcus’ call-to-action from the Country Music Fans is any indication of  support for the barricade, the funeral tomorrow should be conducted in a respectful manner.  At least we can hope.

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