James Reams' Thanksgiving Message!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE  -  JAMES REAMSIt’s All in the Family: Sibling Rivalry Between Bluegrass and Old-Time is Just Part of Being Family!                                       – by James Reams

Thanksgiving  - it’s not a lukewarm kind of holiday. You either look forward to it or you dread it. For me, I love the food…and especially the pies! I remember Dad was always in charge of the turkey and he had this special electric porcelain oven that he used solely for the purpose of putting out the best tasting bird in the county. And, not to be outdone, Mom would spend days making pumpkin pies from REAL pumpkins. Most kids nowadays probably never had the pleasure of scooping out the soft, creamy pumpkin innards that are then magically transformed into that traditional delight for young and old. Oh man, I’m drooling just at the thought of it!

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