New Video Has Fun With Cedar Hill's "Doors Song"

Cedar Hill's "I've Got A Thing About Doors" 
opens the door for Puns & New Video!

Miss  Dixie Hall says this video is A"Door"able and that's just the beginning of the punsters.  The list of witty sayings about this video is going to be endless.

Already there's more than couple dozen industry professionals who've chimed in with kudos.  However we're surprised that no Knock-Knock lines popped up yet. Watch the video and see if you can come up with a few.

Video Comments

Joanna Barnes Great video and it’s REAL bluegrass!
Linda Rowe Cute video!!!
Janet McGarry Great job Rebekah! Cute!
Frank D. Ray We're in Texas & just checked my I- Pad.. Now that is one funny video. Great job Rebekah & Miss Dixie, you're a dandy.
Joe Bigsby Time it charted.  Hear it all the time on Sirius!
Beth Morrison Greenfield I'm in Joplin, where doors are gone! Thanks for the smile, really needed it today!
Dan Hays I like! (when did Frank lose all his teeth?)
Dixie Hall We are well pleased.  Nothin’ Fancy couldn’t have done it any better!
Janet McGarry Congrats on your video, Frank.... I'm happy to be included in it! See you at IBMA.
Lora Winters We're in California! Cow Country! Great Job! Love ya Chrissi and Mikalya!! Mr. and Mrs. Hall Chrissi sure does loves ya's :)
Frances Mooney Great video and story, put together by the best! Always a story to be told at the "Halls" place. Good job Cedar Hill!!!!!
Pam Bunch Great Job Beks!!!
George E Majors Ah door able
Annette Kelley Love the video "I've Got A Thing About Doors," Thanks for including me!  Frank Ray is the best and I love Blue Circle Records!!
Bridget Lieux Its good to see so many faces in the video "I've Got A Thing About Doors." Thanks for adding mine to the bunch!
Jan Williams Kimbrough LOL!!!
Emily Rich Great tune! And fun video idea – Steve Martin’s video people better watch out!
Joanna Reichardt-Hickman HAHAHA That's too funny!
Sharon Cowell Randolph this was too cute..
Rebekah Long This is definitely a song to sell door-to-door
Deborah DeWitt LOL...love it!
Larry Sifford Mighty fine Frank!..; )
Jim Sowell thanks for sharing Frank. Very funny and it was good to see Tom T. also.
Marilyn Adams Great vocal Frank....lol...like the song too!
Linda Sportsman Great! You made our morning!
Joe Robinson Way to go, Buddy! Great fun.
Nancy Aanerud Loved it Frank. You sounded just great.
Chip Wittpenn ahhhhhhhh...Cedar Hill....what a great band ...and how about that Pam Bunch!

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