Songwriter Showcase Song Contest Announced by IBMA

Bands are always looking for good new songs, and IBMA will help make those connections for 10 selected songwriters during the World of Bluegrass Convention Image634662022401760000to be hosted in Nashville, Tenn., September 24-30, 2012. 

The exact date and time of the Songwriter Showcase is to be announced later.

The IBMA says their Songwriter Showcase is not a contest however there are clear winners and non-winners.  From all of the entries submitted, an IBMA Panel will select only 10 to be presented and showcased.

According to the IBMA,  the purpose of the showcase is to present new, original bluegrass songs to artists, producers and labels looking for new material, as well as to other industry reps in the audience.  Both veteran and novice songwriters are invited and encouraged to submit songs. 

Songwriters who presented original material at past IBMA Songwriter Showcases are not prohibited from submitting a CD again for this year, but they should present a different song.   

IBMA Songwriter Showcase Application Procedure:

Submit a CD of one original song to: IBMA Songwriter Showcase; #2 Music Circle South, Suite #100; Nashville, TN 37203. 

DEADLINE: May 1, 2012.  CDs will not be returned. Be sure the CD is formatted to play in a CD player. It is not necessary to submit a highly produced song demo.  A vocal with a guitar is fine. Please send five copies of your song lyrics. There is no form to fill out or application fee to submit a song for consideration, but be sure to include your contact info: name, address, telephone & email address.

Selection Criteria:

Songs must be…

  • Original works OR co-written by the person who submits the CD
  • Unpublished OR not previously recorded by a major bluegrass artist or a major artist from another genre.

Songs will be chosen on the basis of their…

  • Representation of the bluegrass genre
  • Potential appeal (Are they likely to draw the interest of recording artists and to get airplay by bluegrass broadcasters?)
  • Quality of work (lyrics, melody)
  • Entertainment value.

If you have additional questions, contact Nancy Cardwell at the IBMA office: (615) 256-3222. 

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