Review: The Hayloft Gang DVD!

PRESCRIPTION BLUEGRASS IMAGE[11]...The vision of a family gathered around a 3 foot tall radio on a Saturday night in 1932 warms my soul.....It is pleasing to know that the Stephen Parry's of the world care enough about the preservation of our musical heritage to endure the rigors of producing and presenting a documentary of this caliber.. ”

- Marty Warburton / Prescription Bluegrass

The Hayloft Gang

Story of the National Barn Dance

We hear the term “back in the day” quite often. In my case this term usually pops up when I am bragging to one of my children about the price of a gallon of gas in the 1960's. So to be clear, there's back in the day...and then there's way back in the day. The National Barn Dance defines the latter having premiered on national radio with it first broadcast from Chicago based WLS in 1924.

The Barn Dance reigned as thee most popular country music radio show and quite literally defined the genre until after World War II when The Grand Ol' Opry came to the forefront. The Barn Dance's production format served as the template for numerous subsequent radio productions including the Grand Ol' Opry as well as A Prairie Home Companion.

"...this DVD serves as a magic mirror into the production methods of that era, the costumes, the music, the humor and social topics."

Country folk and city dwellers alike tuned in every week to hear their favorite stars and personalities perform. The vision of a family gathered around a 3 foot tall radio on a Saturday night in 1932 warms my soul. The National Barn Dance continued broadcasting it's weekly production until 1960, ending an impressive 36 year run.

This DVD, produced by Stephen Parry for public television and narrated by Garrison Keillor, is an absolute time capsule. This documentary is rift with historical footage and inside information on country music performers of the day. Lulu Belle & Scotty, Patsy Montana & the Prairie Ramblers, The Hoosier Hotshots, Bradley Kincaid, The Girls of the Golden West, Pat Buttram, The Dezurik Sisters (aka the Cackle Sisters), Slim Bryant, The Beaver Valley Sweethearts, Bob Atcher, Captain Stubby & The Buccaneers.

The production of this work was an arduous journey of not only seeking out the footage, recordings, still photos, commentary and credits, but an undertaking in securing the legal rights to compile and present the finished product to the public as well.

This DVD is enjoyable on many levels. While the historical value is most obvious, this DVD serves as a magic mirror into the production methods of that era, the costumes, the music, the humor and social topics. I personally enjoyed ogling the countless vintage musical instruments of the future, all in pristine, new, mint condition. Yes please.

“The Hayloft Gang – The Story of the National Barn Dance” is due to be rebroadcast in early July 2014 on PBS. Check your local affiliate, satellite or cable provider for dates and times. Better yet, acquire your own copy of The Hayloft Gang and enjoy the many bonus features included with the DVD.

It is pleasing to know that the Stephen Parry's of the world care enough about the preservation of our musical heritage to endure the rigors of producing and presenting a documentary of this caliber. For more information visit www.hayloftgang.com

Reviewed for Prescription Bluegrass by Marty Warburton

Cedar City, Utah / PrescriptionBluegrass.com

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