Song Of The Mountains Cries Out For HELP !

In an open letter to Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Supporters, Song Of The Mountains TV Host, Tim White Expresses URGENCY!

Image634626628037536936Bluegrass & Americana Music Friends,

We are still struggling tremendously to keep Song of the Mountains funded and on the air on public television. I am disappointed in the response to our pleas presented to our fan base up to this point for help with donations. Everywhere I go people tell me how much they look forward to seeing SOTM on television each week. When I tell them we need financial support and even a small donation will add up to help if enough fans in bluegrass and old time music will step up and help us then this would be our salvation to our funding problems.

Our potential reach across America in 146 million people per year. We have a quality bluegrass and Americana program that serves our fan base like no other....ever. I know our bluegrass fans and family love our show but if they continue to sit on their hands and do nothing we have no choice but to end production.

I have made phone calls, produced a video which is at our Facebook page and Song of the Mountains website homepage www.songofthemountains.org and put our pleas for donations on my radio shows but our bluegrass family and friends are not responding very much. I don't want them to sit idly by and let this show "pass away" and then realize they could have made a difference (after it is too late).

I love our music...we have a fantastic television show that showcases our beloved music like it should be presented. I spend endless hours every week working to make it better.

I know that our bluegrass and Americana fans truly enjoy Song of the Mountains but I do not know how to stress our sense of urgency to you. Without funding our show will end, and end soon. We receive no money from PBS. We depend entirely on generous support from our fans and underwriters. In this economy corporate dollars are not there for underwriting like it was just a few years ago so we must turn to our fans and supporters of our music.  Your donation is tax-deductible.

With that said...IT IS NOT TOO LATE! But people must react now. I hope you will.

Thanks so much for your concern and willingness to help.

If you have any ideas or ways to get word out for us it will be most appreciated. We must act now. Please don't wait! Pass this along to all of your bluegrass, old time music and Americana fans.

Donations can be sent to: 

  • Song of the Mountains 
  • 117 East Main Street
  • Marion, Virginia 24354

Donations are easily accepted at our website. On our homepage look at the upper right-hand corner for the "Free Gift" banner. www.songofthemountains.org


Tim White
Executive Coordinator & Host
Song of the Mountains
P.O. Box 750
Blountville, TN 37617


A  P.S.:

The donations are definitely tax deductible.  We are a 501c3 organization.    Thanks for your help!  Please send this to everyone you can!   If we could raise around $125k thru our fan base that would do it. We produce a wonderful show for a very inexpensive cost.   We have many wonderful volunteers and a crew that works well below  what they could make doing their work somewhere else.  The thing is that all of us care about what we are
doing and what it represents. If 5,000 of our fans across America would donate just  $25 each that would do it! Our potential reach each year is 146 million people so this could be easily done if we can get word out. We get
no money from PBS. We must raise our own dollars to continue our show.

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